Homemade Sweet Potato Chips

Sweet Potato Chips

I made homemade sweet potato chips for the first time and they came out AMAZING! Ever since I went gluten free, I’ve become mildly obsessed with sweet potatoes. They are an awesome addition to tons of different meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sometimes when you first start off gluten free, it can be hard to find things that can fill you up. Obviously nothing can replace REAL hearty delicious BREAD. Let’s be real haha. Sweet potatoes are a great way to add some heartiness to your meal to fill you up.

Although most of my recipes are adding sweet potatoes to, this time I made them into a snack. I LOVE sweet potato chips and realized how inexpensive it can be to make your own instead of buying a bag at the grocery store.

Try out these homemade sweet potato chips during your next meal prep Sunday! A cheap, easy snack that will help curb that crunchy salt craving all week.

HOT TIP: Be careful using a knife when slicing these thin. I bought a $12 mandolin slice on amazon that made it so much easier and SAFER. I’m a weirdo and also wear a slick oven mit when using the slicer to be extra safe. I’ve so lots of horror stories when using these things. I also made sure that this mandolin slicer had safety features. Light a safety knob that goes on top of the vegetable so your hand isn’t directly holding it. I’ve directly linked it below if you need one!


Homemade Sweet Potato Chips

Print Recipe
Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 1 hour 30mins


  • 2 sweet potatoes, thinly sliced (I used a mandolin slicer)
  • A sprinkle of Sea salt. Pepper & Parsley
  • Olive oil
  • Airtight container/jar



1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees F


2. Line two baking pans with parchment paper and set aside


3. Carefully slice the sweet potatoes very thin (Mandolin slicer linked in blog post above ^)


4. Place slices on the parchment paper and drizzle olive oil over them (not too much)


5. Sprinkle them all with a little sea salt, pepper and parsley


6. Bake in the over for 50 minutes


7. Next, flip the chips over and switch baking trays from top to bottom


8. Cook them for another 30-40min


9. Remove them from the oven, let cool.


10. Store in an airtight container/jar

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