Gluten Free Buffalo Chicken Wrap

One of my favorite types of sandwiches is a gluten free buffalo chicken wrap. It can be pretty difficult to find this out and about at restaurants or sandwich shops with gluten free options. Most of the time these wraps are sold as breaded crispy chicken, which as I’m typing this sounds amazing. I may have to make this again but with gluten free bread crumbs and create a crispy version. Moral of the story is gluten free wraps are hard to come by, let alone a gluten free buffalo chicken wrap. So I obviously opted to create me own at home.

When in doubt, make it yourself! I’ve learned to get very creative after being gluten free for about 4 years. Whether you have left over chicken, or you want to cook up the chicken right before making it, either works! This time I decided to use a rotisserie chicken from the store because it made things 10 times easier! Highly recommend this option!

Once you have your chicken of choice, throw it in a bowl with your favorite buffalo sauce and get to MIXING! For this recipe, I used The New Primal buffalo sauce. Feel free to use whatever sauce you like to get it to your spicy preference. I then added butter to this mix

My all time favorite gluten free wraps are Mission Foods.

**Pro Tip: If you find your gluten free wraps are breaking apart, try doubling them up. This helps keep your wrap contents together an avoids the huge mess. I know the struggle is real with gluten free breads. They fall apart on us, so anything to help that is a huge plus.

I topped my Mission Foods gluten free tortillas with the sauced up chicken, crumbled blue cheese, romaine lettuce and drizzled blue cheese dressing.

If you end up making this recipe please let me know!

Gluten Free Buffalo Chicken Wrap

Print Recipe
Serves: 2 Cooking Time: 15


  • 1. Chicken (rotisserie)
  • 2. Romain lettuce
  • 3. Crumbled blue cheese
  • 4. Choice of buffalo sauce
  • 5. Blue cheese dressing
  • 6. Gluten free tortillas
  • 7. 1 tbsp. of butter



1. Cook chicken or use a rotisserie (what I used since it makes for a faster cooking time)


2. Mix together buffalo sauce and butter to your liking


3. Add chicken to mixture and toss until all chicken pieces are covered


4. Top your gluten free tortillas with the dressed chicken, romaine lettuce, blue cheese crumbles, and drizzle with blue cheese dressing


5. Wrap another tortilla around yours if it is breaking (this helps to keep it from falling apart)


6. Enjoy!!

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